Course Description
This course focuses on the Object-Orientation of the C# language. By introducing the object-oriented features of C# early in the course, the remainder of the course will be built in a way that leverages its object-orientation. In addition to the traditional object-oriented features, such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism, the C# features, such as properties, indexers, delegates, events, and interfaces are covered. The course explores .NET Framework features and major classes for collections, delegates, and events. In addition, an introduction to windows forms for building Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), using C#. Finally, an introduction to the Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and the latest features of the language version, C# 8.0, will be covered. To facilitate the course, a working example will be developed as the course progresses and several programming examples and exercises are provided. All the course notes, reading materials, and programming examples used in the course will be provided to students.
Course Objectives
After successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Design, write and test C# programs
- Implement programs using C# and classes from the .NET Framework
- Implement simple GUI programs using Windows Forms
- Use the language features of C# such as generic types, iterators, partial classes, and other new features in C# 8.0.
This course is intended to be fully accessible to programmers who have a procedural programing language experience and do not already have a strong background in object-oriented programming in C-like languages, such as C++ or Java.